The Easiest Peach Dumplings – Recipe Ketchup
Cake Desserts Recipes

The Easiest Peach Dumplings

When it comes to dumplings, our general opinion is that you can’t go wrong. Carbs? Yes please. Carbs with a delicious treat tucked inside? Even better. These easy peach dumplings fall into the later category and we promise you’ll be hooked with the first bite!

We first tried a similar version of apple dumplings at a potluck a few years back and knew we needed to find a summery version. Peaches were just the thing! While we did use canned peaches here, we highly recommend going with fresh peaches when they’re available! You also have some flexibility on your soda choice. We’ve seen people use Sprite, Mountain Dew, 7 Up, Fresca, or even orange soda! Really anything with a little fizz and a citrusy flavor will do the trick.

It’s a pretty simple recipe, but there are a few details that you want to make sure you get right. First, don’t skimp on the butter! We know it sounds like a lot. It’s worth it. Spooning that sweet, caramel-y sauce from the bottom of the pan over your warm dumplings and topping it all off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream is truly the way to go. The second things you want to note about this recipe is step #3. When adding the soda to your prepared dumplings, you want to make sure to pour it to the side and not on top of the dough. That way you’ll have nice crispy tops!

Please continue to Next Page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions

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