This is the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten – Recipe Ketchup

This is the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten

Try this easy-to-make blender recipe for Rice Balls and immerse yourself in Japanese cuisine! These adorable, bite-sized snacks are a breeze to make and taste great. No matter your level of familiarity with Japanese cuisine, these rice balls will quickly become a go-to appetizer or snack. Come along as we delve into the art of crafting these mouth-watering sweets, providing you with frequently asked questions, culinary notes, variants, and even modifications for keto and low-carb diets. Enter the realm of gastronomic delight with me!

Two cups of cooked sushi rice
1/3 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup of sugar
one teaspoon of salt
Seaweed sheets from Nori, optionally sliced into strips for wrapping


Get the rice ready: Follow the package directions to cook the sushi rice until it is soft. After the rice is done, place it in a big bowl and stir to combine.
Rice Vinegar: In a small basin, dissolve the sugar and salt by mixing with the rice vinegar. When the rice is done cooking, pour the mixture over it and stir gently with a spatula or rice paddle until everything is combined.

To mix the rice, add the seasoned rice to a food processor or blender. To make the rice somewhat sticky and able to keep its shape when squeezed between your fingers, pulse it several times. You want the rice to have some texture, so be cautious not to puree it too much.
To make rice balls, wet your hands slightly and scoop out a tiny amount of the mixed rice. Roll it between your palms. Keep your hands wet to avoid sticking as you repeat this procedure until you’ve used up all the rice.
Not required: Seaweed Wrap: A piece of nori may be used to encase each rice ball, giving them an extra visual and taste boost. Arrange the rice ball on top of a nori strip in your hand. Carefully wrap the nori around the rice, securing it with a dab of water if necessary.
Present and Savor: Put the rice balls on a serving dish and serve them hot for a delicious appetizer or snack. Another option is to refrigerate them in an airtight container until you’re ready to eat them.

Preparation Remarks and Adjustments:
Adding Fillings: To really amp up the taste of your rice balls, get creative and stuff them with things like cooked salmon, tuna, avocado, or pickled veggies.

Try making your rice balls with a variety of spices and flavors to see what works best. If you’re looking to spice things up, try adding some furikake, sesame seeds, or soy sauce.
Optional: For a more crunchy top, bake the rice balls for 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius) until they’re slightly browned.
Versions for Keto and Low-Carb Diets:
If you’re trying to cut down on carbs while still enjoying these rice balls, try making them using cauliflower rice instead of sushi rice. Swap out the sugar with a keto-friendly sweetener like erythritol or monk fruit in the spice mix.
For a lower carb option, try using less rice and more protein-rich foods like cooked shrimp or shredded chicken. Another option for those watching their carb intake is to use konjac rice or shirataki rice.

Question and Answer Sessions:
What kinds of rice may I use in this recipe? A: Although sushi rice is the most common kind of rice for rice balls, you may try using jasmine rice or short-grain brown rice if you want a different taste and texture.

To what extent are these rice balls durable? You may preserve rice balls in the fridge for up to two or three days, but they are best eaten fresh. For best freshness, eat with fillings within 24 hours.

Can I put these rice balls in the freezer? The rice balls, when stored in an airtight container, may be frozen for up to one month. After an overnight thaw, reheat in the oven or microwave for a hot meal.

I don’t have a blender; is that necessary to prepare these rice balls? Even while it’s simpler to use a food processor or blender, you can obtain the same effect by pounding the rice with a fork or potato masher until it becomes sticky and stays put.

Indulge in the delight of authentic Japanese home cooking with our recipe for Blender Rice Balls! Whether you’re in the mood for a salty snack or are making plans for a sushi dinner in, these delicious delights will fulfill your cravings. Their customisable fillings and soft, sticky texture make them ideal for sharing with loved ones. Make a batch of these delicious rice balls by gathering the ingredients and letting your imagination run wild. Get ready to enjoy the real taste of Japan with every mouthful!

About the author

Pixie Deacon

Hi, my name is Pixie. I am a true blue Southern girl, cookbook author, entrepreneur, self-taught food photographer and lover of chocolate.

I love to cook, bake, entertain and create new recipes. I am blessed to have come from a long line of fantastic Southern cooks. It’s a pleasure to be able to share all my wonderful family recipes that have been passed down from generations and recipes that I have developed over the years along with my passion for entertaining and Southern culture.

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