Stuffed Cabbages Rolls – Page 2 – Recipe Ketchup
JUST FOR YOU Party Food Recipes

Stuffed Cabbages Rolls


2 heads of cabbage
2 lbs ground beef
3 cups cooked rice
1 egg
1 tsp garlic
1 tbsp parsley
2 slices diced onion
1 -15 oz. can tomato sauce
1-28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
1/4 cup tomato sauce (in meat)
Salt & Pepper to taste


Put a head of cabbage in a pot of boiling water, and peel off the cabbage leaves one at a time.
Cut off the rough part on the end of the cabbage leaf with a sharp knife.
Mix all ingredients together except the 15 oz can of tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes and put a small amount (size of a sausage) on a cabbage leaf, and roll up like a fajita and place seam side down in a casserole dish. I put tomato sauce and a cabbage leaf or 2 on the bottom of the casserole dish so the Halupky won’t burn.
Pour crushed tomatoes over Halupkys.
Cover and bake approximately 75 minutes at 375º.
Turn oven down to 325º and bake for approximately 90 more minutes until cabbage is tender. Baste every hour.
Serve with tomato sauce.

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About the author

Pixie Deacon

Hi, my name is Pixie. I am a true blue Southern girl, cookbook author, entrepreneur, self-taught food photographer and lover of chocolate.

I love to cook, bake, entertain and create new recipes. I am blessed to have come from a long line of fantastic Southern cooks. It’s a pleasure to be able to share all my wonderful family recipes that have been passed down from generations and recipes that I have developed over the years along with my passion for entertaining and Southern culture.

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