Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler is the ultimate fall dessert with cake on the top and hot caramel sauce on the bottom!
I think I’ve found pumpkin dessert mecca in the form of this Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler. I love a good chocolate lava cake, but no other dessert has really ever come close to that pinnacle of delicious. Until now? If you don’t like chocolate as much as you like pumpkin, then we are close to something that will blow your mind.
Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler: Ultimate Fall Dessert
No matter where you stand on the choco-loving scale, you’ve at least got to give this a try at least once this season! This Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler is spicy, sweet, festive and gets thrown together in a snap. This is like a pumpkin lava cake and cobbler love child. It’s got all the yummy factors that I love in a dessert and uses ingredients I’m 99% sure you already have in your pantry. #winning
Just be sure to remember to add in the baking powder because…..it WILL NOT work without it.
*Recipe Updates* (from laurenslatest.com)
I’ve gotten a TON of comments and feedback from all of you about this recipe since it’s become VERY popular within the last few weeks of me posting this. A lot of the same questions keep getting asked and asked again, so I thought I would address the most common ones below so that you can make this with success 🙂
Is 1/2 cup of pumpkin the correct amount?
YES! You only need 1/2 cup of canned plain pumpkin {NOT pumpkin pie filling} for this recipe.
Can I double the recipe?
YES! And I know that 3 cups of water seems excessive but that is typically what you do when you double a recipe. You double every single measurement. I suppose if you’re worried about it, you can reduce that amount. That just means you’ll have less caramelly-pumpkiny liquid underneath your cake.
Can I bake this in a 9×13 pan?
Yes, but only if you plan on doubling the recipe!
Mine didn’t cook all the way through. What’s wrong?
When I first was testing this recipe, mine came out all globby and mushy at first too. But then I switched over to new, fresh baking powder and that did the trick! Don’t forget the baking powder! Also, check your oven temperature. Mine is spot on at 350 degrees and my cobbler was done in 40 minutes exactly. Some ovens run hot, some run cold. Also, glass baking dishes cook food differently than metal or ceramic. Lots of different factors can effect the baking time. The cobbler might be done at 40 minutes or you might have to cook it closer to 50. As long as the center is baked, you should be good to go.
Can I make this gluten free?
I don’t see why not, though lots of gluten-free baking mixes vary significantly because of their different blends of flours. I’ve had good success with Pamela’s brand GF all-purpose flour baking blend.
Did you forget to list eggs as an ingredient?
NO! There are no eggs needed for this recipe.
Your casserole dish you used in this recipe looks big! Is it?
The casserole dish I used is a 9″x 6″ baking dish (aff link) from Crate and Barrel. It’s on the small side for sure. I think there was some confusion because it’s so small yet in the recipe I state that you can get 8 servings. But, look at the increments. It doesn’t make a ton, but puffs up and is very sweet and decadent which is why I said it could serve 8.
Can I make this recipe in advance?
Yes, you definitely can, but the longer it sits, the less syrupy goodness remains. The best thing I could recommend is make the batter ahead of time (with double acting baking powder) and right before baking, add the sugar and nut topping along with the very hot water. That way, you’re still prepping ahead of time, but enjoying it fresh. The double acting baking powder is important because it helps the cobbler rise once when introduced to liquids and twice when it’s introduced to heat.
I have never frozen this recipe, so have no input on how that would work.
Hope that helps! Enjoy!
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For the Cobbler
1 cup + 3 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup melted butter or vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
For the Topping..
For Ingredients list details And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On Over To Next Page Or Open button (>)
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