Peanut Brittle Recipe – Recipe Ketchup
cookies Desserts Holiday

Peanut Brittle Recipe

Peanut brittle is a classic holiday treat that is perfect for gift-giving. Whip up a batch of this Homemade Peanut Brittle Recipe and enjoy the buttery, sweet, peanut-filled crunchy candy.

There is no need to buy store-bought peanut brittle when you can make it fresh at home with this wonderful Homemade Peanut Brittle Recipe. It’s a really inexpensive recipe and fairly easy to make on a chilly afternoon. We break the brittle up and fill a big jar to have on the table for people to grab a sweet treat any time during the Christmas season.

The Ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need to make the Homemade Peanut Brittle Recipe (the exact measurements and full recipe instructions are below in the easy to print recipe card in the next page):

Granulated sugar – the sugar is the base of this candy and melts into the water and corn syrup as you cook the mixture.
Light corn syrup – corn syrup is important to the texture of the peanut brittle candy.
Water – we used tap water, which works well. But you can use filtered water if you prefer.
Salt – regular kosher salt is just right for this recipe.
Butter – use salted butter, or use unsalted butter and add an extra 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the candy mixture.
Dry roasted peanuts – we like unsalted dry roasted peanuts for the peanut brittle.
Baking soda – the baking soda will be added at the end of the cooking of the candy and will cause the mixture to foam up and gives the peanut brittle the familiar crunchy texture.

Be sure you have a candy thermometer on hand too! This is essential for making this candy.

Can I use a different kind of nut for brittle?

Yes! Pecan brittle is especially delicious. Toasted, unsalted pecans are really good, or try using almonds.

How to Store Peanut Brittle

Keep the fresh peanut brittle in an airtight food storage container. It will stay fresh at room temperature for several weeks. If the kitchen gets warm or humid, the brittle will get sticky, so keep it in a cool, dry place.

How to Make Peanut Brittle

Line a large sheet pan with parchment paper or a nonstick baking mat; set aside. In a large pot, add the sugar, corn syrup, water, and salt. Attach a candy thermometer to the side of the pot. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved, and the mixture comes to a boil. At this point, the candy will look clear and bubbly.

Once the mixture is boiling, very carefully add the butter to the pot. Continue to cook, stirring often, until a candy thermometer registers 280F degrees, which should take about 15 minutes. You will notice the candy darkening a bit to a light golden caramel color.

Add the peanuts to the candy mixture and cook for an additional 10 minutes, stirring very frequently, until a candy thermometer registers 305F degrees. The peanut brittle will now be a deep golden brown…

For Ingredients list details And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On Over To Next Page Or Open button (>)

About the author

Pixie Deacon

Hi, my name is Pixie. I am a true blue Southern girl, cookbook author, entrepreneur, self-taught food photographer and lover of chocolate.

I love to cook, bake, entertain and create new recipes. I am blessed to have come from a long line of fantastic Southern cooks. It’s a pleasure to be able to share all my wonderful family recipes that have been passed down from generations and recipes that I have developed over the years along with my passion for entertaining and Southern culture.

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