For years she thought it was just a mole, but what her doctor yanks out is unbelievable – Recipe Ketchup
Health tips

For years she thought it was just a mole, but what her doctor yanks out is unbelievable

As time passes by, and we get older, it’s normal for things to just naturally end up getting bigger. Noses, feet, ears… and blackheads!

This woman is a perfect case of when we neglect something or think of it otherwise, that we may develop something pretty strange on our bodies. At, least this woman developed a blackhead on her upper back, but throughout the years she thought that it was just a mole. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

Dr. Sandra Lee is apparently also known as “Dr. Pimple Popper” and dealing with this things seems to be her speciality. This patient she had to deal with was 85 years old, and her mole had grown to gargantuan size!

About the author

Pixie Deacon

Hi, my name is Pixie. I am a true blue Southern girl, cookbook author, entrepreneur, self-taught food photographer and lover of chocolate.

I love to cook, bake, entertain and create new recipes. I am blessed to have come from a long line of fantastic Southern cooks. It’s a pleasure to be able to share all my wonderful family recipes that have been passed down from generations and recipes that I have developed over the years along with my passion for entertaining and Southern culture.

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